AIRLINE has released some cool new Made in Canada leather straps that look like they came out of a 1960’s Sears Catalog. This hi-end all leather thinline stap has white stitching and padded non-slip shoulder pads. Their unique look lets you stand out from the crowd . Grab one from Eastwood Guitars, only $45 + shipping.

Custom Airline Vintage Guitar Straps (Leather)

Custom Airline Vintage Guitar Straps (Leather)

Custom Airline Vintage Guitar Straps (Leather)
May I suggest that if you want to offer vintage-style straps for your vintage repro’s and other old axes, you might consider offering straps designed for looped leather headstock attachment, such as the old “Bobby Lee” straps. Most of the original guitars of your design inspirations didn’t have an upper strap button, and required a headstock loop. I believe there is a strong niche market among vintage fans who don’t want to install a non-original strap button or a goofy leather shoelace or dorky modern Martin adapter on their prized specimens.
Try it, make money, and maybe send me a modest-reasonable royalty per unit for the idea, or something else. I know several sources that can make good prototypes. I have some very specific do’s and don’t’s about the design, all fully consistent with vintage designs, but improved with modern materials and manufacturing technology. Depending on material and build quality, these could be made in a variety of intermediate-to-high-end straps in multiple styles, AND fully compatible for two-strap button situations.
Let me know if you’re interested in the idea, and I’ll follow up with further details.
Peace & Luv’,
How long are these? You should mention in your product description.
Man, the blueish green aqua type strap is unreal. Pair that with a classic white semi hollow gretsch and you are in business!