Back in 1984 Ovation put out a high-end guitar to compete with Gibson’s Les Paul. The Ultra GP Series. At the time, it was priced at about $400, the same price as a Les Paul. Guess what, they didn’t sell. Not because of the design – it was an incredible guitar – but tough to complete with Gibson head to head with a guitar from a company that is famous for acoustics. Consequently, only 400-500 were made. Recently the GP has become a sought-after vintage and prices have soared over $2,000 each. Last year I got tired of trying to find an original and decided it was time for Eastwood to get the re-issue machine cranked up again. Last week we finally received the prototype. OH-MY-GOD!!!! This baby is an absolute treat to play. I own a few vintage Les Paul guitars, and now I have a new favorite player, the ULTRA-GP. This might be the most well-balanced and comfortably guitars I have ever played! Limited Edition Release. We are building a very small run in Cheryburst or Black.

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar

Eastwood Ultra GP Electric Guitar
Hi – I have an Ultra GP 1431-e guitar. It has been sitting in its case in my closet for years. It is in great shape and it is time to sell it. Can someone help me out? I have no idea how to properly sell a good guitar.
I’m from Poland and i want to by Black one 🙂
Update : I was able to sell my Ultra GP 1431-e guitar a few years ago. I still have people asking about it, which is neat but it has found a new home.