Every month we have people contributing articles to the My Rare Guitars Monthly Newsletter – My Rare Guitaricles. Now you too can get in on the fun and earn some cash credits in the meantime. All articles and stories that get published will receive a $50 MRG Shop credit.
What type of article will qualify? If you are a regular reader of this website, you already have a good idea of what would be of interest to our readers. Anything that is guitar related – some examples would be educational, humorous, historical, best of lists, a CD review, a story about your favourite guitarist, a close encounter, or anything in-between.
Typically 500-1000 words and a couple of photos is more than enough, but no limits or guidlines other than to make is something that our current readers will enjoy. Also, the more you submit, the more MRG Cash you can rack up, no limit there either. Submit your articles to michael@myrareguitars.com, enter as often as you wish. (Please do not submit reprinted content or “already published elsewhere”content, only original content will be considered for publication at MRG)
I restored an eko el dorado which a friend of mine found in a garbage can. Who could do such a thing to such a beautiful. It was filthy,the bridge was coming out as was the bottom on the right side. I sent it to a luthier(Ken Blount of Sebring Florida)and wa spectacular job he’s done. What a sound, very high end. As good as an ovation/gibson/takamine it’s in that class. Pictures are on facebook.