Now that they have finally released the remastered Beatles albums, it seems a good time to reopen the classic argument. The Beatles – the best group of all time or just a matter of timing? Fab or Fad? We can work it out…

The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show
Since 09/09/09 I’ve been listening to the fab four round the clock until I couldn’t bear it any more, with mixed emotions (to quote Mick Jagger). As a whole there are a lot of good songs, several great songs and then quite a bit of rubbish some of it downright embarrising, and I’m not just talking about Revolution 9.
All The Beatles albums… rated!
Let’s start from the very beginning (a very good place…but enough of the kitch, I’ll leave that for Paul.)
Please Please Me: definitely one of their purer efforts, pure rock and roll, simple lyrics, but that was what was expected of them then. A good start and still good today.Of the fourteen tracks six were covers of other artists including songs written by Carol King and Burt Bacharach. Now remastered the harmonies and simple music renditions make it feel even more alive. Grade: A-
With the Beatles: released only four months later. Another great raw album. You don’t change a winning combination. Finally Ringo gets to play drums – not the best drummer in the world by far. Again six of the fourteen tracks are covers. Grade: A-
A Hard Day’s Night: down to 13 tracks, this album was entirely self written. Another strong production Grade: A-
Beatles for Sale: the Beatles are by now tired and pressed for time and a bit fed up – thus the title. Between a concert tour in the U.S. and one in the U.K. they had all of five weeks to put together and record this album. Luckily they could lean heavily on successful covers they sang on stage in their Hamburg days. Much due to this fact, the album is almost flawless and great fun to listen to, especially after being remastered. It has a very live, gritty feeling to it, something that was actually missing from their actual concerts (see my blog ). Grade: A-
Help!: The soundtrack from their second film. Who could dare fault an album including Yesterday, Ticket to Ride and and the beautiful You’ve got to Hide your Love away. Grade: A
Up till this point definitely a great group. Not a rock group or a revolutionary force but still great enough to be worthy of all the hype.
Rubber Soul: the first hint that the Beatles wanted a change. There is a candid attempt to add hidden meaning to the songs. Here the Beatles try to go beyond the boy / girl love / dove lyrics and attempt to make a statement. Hints at drug use are abundant as is the influence of Dylan and the Byrds. Ambiguity is the name of the game; Norwegian Wood, Drive my Car, Looking Through You. Though it has it’s great moments, the album is uneven. There are initial signs of the banal McCartney love songs to emerge in future years – Michelle Ma Belle!!!. Gone are the rhythmic, exciting numbers that got all the girls screaming – the Beatles concert years are behind them. Grade: B
Revolver: Electric Rock has replaced the folk rock of the previous album and once again the vitality is back: Got to get You into my Life, Taxman, And your bird can Sing. Several songs, notably Tomorrow Never Knows, offer a shift to the East with the use of the sitar. At the time many critics hailed Revolver as one of the greatest albums of all time. In retrospect their praise seems overrated. The songs are strong but the mixture of different styles make it more a unconnected collection of songs than a concept album. Grade: B
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: Often voted the best and most revolutionary album of the twentieth century, the real question is does it hold up to the test of time. In my opinion no. Marketed as a concept album it falls flat after the second song and leaves us with a batch of psychedelically touched pieces that are unlikely to get you excited today. On the one hand there’s With a little help from my friends (Joe Cocker’s half stoned version sounds far superior), A day in the Life (actually two songs knitted together) and When I’m 64 but how many times are you willing today to listen to Getting Better,McCartney’s Lovely Rita (Wings are on the way) or Mr Kite (more of a joke than a song really). A great album cover but not my favourite album or even my favourite Beatles album by far. Grade: B-
Magical Mystery Tour: not really worth mentioning. A failing BBC TV special with no script, turned into a disastrous EP set and then reshuffled to make an album. Eleven songs in all, luckily including Fool on the Hill, Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane, otherwise worthless. Can you really listen to All you need is Love or Flying without throwing up? Grade: C-
The White Double Album: The Beatles didn’t even bother themselves with a name or cover. Not really a group album at all. This album has enough good songs to fill a short, single album but it as a double album it is full of garbage. High marks for Back in the USSR, Dear Prudence and While my Guitar Gently Weeps, but new lows for Revolution 9, Why don’t We do it in the Road and Happiness is a Warm Gun, not to mention Paul’s idiotic Rocky Raccoon, and Mother Natures Son. Even George and Ringo got in the act with Piggies and Goodnight. Did they really believe they they could sell anything? A real embarrassment. Grade: C- (and I’m being nice)
Yellow Submarine: don’t even get me started. Just let me give them an E and leave it at that.
Abbey Road: After three previous no shows, no one really saw this coming. True it’s as much a George Martin album as a Beatles one, but finally it all comes together. My favourite Beatles album by far. The Beatles finally get it together again. A masterpiece Grade: A+
Let it Be: I wish they had. The title song is more gospel than Beatles. Then there’s The Long and Winding Road – George Martin and Paul really went overboard there. Apart from Get Back and The One after 909, which returned them to their rock and roll era, the album isn’t worth mentioning. Grade: D-
So there you have it. Six great albums, three not so great and four pretty awful ones. So were they really that great. As a rock and roll group they could even get your grandmother up and dancing. As rock psychedelic revolutionists they were out of their league.
Post by: Steve Taite
The Taite Gallery Blog
Wasn’t “The Long And Whinging Song” and indeed the whole of Let It Be to work of Phil Spector, not George Martin?
Totally disagree with your ratings. A few of the songs you called throwaways are some of my favorite songs! Rubber Soul is one of their best albums! The only rating I somewhat agree with is of the White Album. That one did have some garbage as filler (Number Nine…). But…
The Beatles were so good and unique that even their throwaway songs were better than anything else out there at the time. I can even listen to “It’s All Too Much” or “Not a Second Time” and enjoy the voices, melodies, harmonies and lyrics.
Their songs are as fresh and listenable today as they were 40+ years ago. They truly were the greatest pop/rock band of all time. Nobody else even comes close… and they did it all in a 6 year period!
i also think the beatles are very over rated. and before you fab four fans say, no way what about “revolver and nuh nuh nuh, such and such and yellow submachine gun is the best song ever…..” i must admit i do think they did some good songs. but even if they had written a song that cured cancer, i still dont think they would deserve all the praise, and religionism style blind faith. people seem to think, they are good. and thats just how it is. well now i will explain why i think this unthinkable heresy. people (and i know this dont apply to everyone! and they do have real dedicated true fans) just say theyre good, i truly believe that, rather than offer no opinion, for fear of being outcast from all the others doing the exact same thing. i do like the early pub/garage type stuff. and dont think they did a bad job of knocking it out. but still theyre no better than any other pub band of the time. or any of the pub bands i have seen myself. for a start what they started with wasnt an original idea. nor where most of the songs. well known rock n roll standards, that people already knew and liked. as a true everything just wow sort of music man once said “if people didnt dance, then they didnt drink, the manager got upset, and you wheren’t asked back” but the later stuff apart from the odd one, i just dont get at all! its like him, you can guess which one i mean (the self appointed global head of the bloody peace police) “love is all you need” i cant even begin to put into words, just how unbelieably inacurate that statement is! what about food, shelter money etc? try getting on a bus with just love. and you’ll see my point is true. its easy to say “you dont need money, when you live in world of that much of it,that its not or will ever be a worry. yes its not so much the music, i find hard to take. its him! he represents the two,in my opinion worst type of character flaws. million aire socolists and people who think that we should all just get along, and we would if we just do what he says. could he not see that his idea of equallity is flawed if we need him giving us instruction, from a position of up on high. now you may say possibly “i can see your point, to a point. but were talking about the music here. thats fair enough but. a band isnt just the music. its the whole thing, and everything they did after they moved away from being basically a rock n roll tribute band. is tainted by his messiah complex.its one thing to be “the fool on the hill” but another when your hill is so high the whole world can here the foolishness you preach. and using your “im just like you” so i understand and you can trust me lever. by randomly using the word “liverpool” to show us “hey this guy knows his stuff. i dont believe in god, i just cant see it. but anyone who publicly declares themself to be, bigger than/more popular than jesus? someone who is pretty much considered. to be the keeper of the cheese by the anyone who lives in a western place where they sell coca cola. has to have somthing wrong with how they view the world and the role they play in it. they should have done a red album, im amazed they didnt. rock n roll please. not rice n roll model. like i said not so much the music. which i find on the whole so-so at best. the best way i can describe the whole package is, theres an unwritten rule in life, unwritten but just as important and followed even more maybe than any documented law. and that is ANY COMAND, TEACHING, ORDERS OR ADVICE GIVEN, ARE VOID IF THE DELIV’ERER HAS HIS DICK HANGING OUT, WHILE HE’S TALKING. the beatles are everywhere. and it would be about as easy to divert or defy as christmas in december. but by not doing you miss other, no sorry better things. SUPER FURRY ANIMALS try them, and i am sure you’ll see by jingo, theres more to music than paul george moa and ringo.
You obviously like the Beatles early years…..
But you totally make a fool of yourself with the low ratings for
Rubber soul, Revolver, Pepper and the White album!
You have a lot to learn!
ok I think you never smoked pot and listened rubber soul, sgt pepper, and magical mystery tour. I’m sure that if you doit you will be so stunned, and will eat your words
I appreciate you taking the time to write this but..
How can you rate Rubber Soul that low. Help is A, Rubber Soul B ? 🙂
And you’ve written how many #1 songs?
I know you’re entitled to your opinion, but for me this is pretty backwards. How can you give albums with a bunch of covers A range grades? I love every one of this bands albums including the earliest ones, but those would be like B grades for me. They didn’t have much variation, they still sounded somewhat like other bands, and were mostly covers. I understand the low grades for yellow submarine and white album, but not that low. I’d give those maybe a B-. Here’s where you’ve really annoyed me; the grades for Rubber Soul through Magical Mystery Tour. Are you insane? The fact that you gave Magical Mystery Tour the worst grade of all of them really confuses me. With the exception of All You Need is Love, that album is one of the best albums ever, and has some of the most unique, iconic songs the Beatles ever released. You don’t have to be doing LSD or any other drugs to like some songs that may have been influenced by drug use. I feel as though you were almost rating what the band themselves were like at different times as people, in which case I might agree more. But for me, the albums themselves are mostly perfect all the way through.
To Warren Jesse Powell…You either understand it or you don’t. I was fortunate to be there from the beginning so I maybe seen it in a different light.I love them and I’ll be the first one to admit that they were not great players,but it was the songs that made them special.It was their humor that made them likeable,and it was their personalities that made them lovable.Were it not for George Martin,the entire thing would have been nothing like it was.I agree some of the songs were better left unheard,but that was just who they were,and if you were a true fan,you accepted those things as just the Beatles being Beatles.I don’t know if I’ve made any sense with this,but I tried to explain myself the best I could. I was eleven years old when Beatlemania happened,maybe that has something to do with the way I feel,but I’m now 62 years old,and I still feel the same!
Yeah, they were. There have been MULTIPLE songs that I heard on “oldies” that I thought, “Damn that would be a great song even if it came out today” and then I found out most of these were by ONE band, the Beatles.
Fact is their sound back then still holds up, the lyrics, the music…and it’s all even still relevant. It’s great music by great artists…back when there was such a thing. Unlike music of today, there was no autotune, no rampant use of 3rd party lyric writers, no rampant use of 3rd party music writers…sure it happened back then too but no where near like today. It was all them…this just adds to their awesomeness.
It wasn’t a cultural thing at all, though that did help solidify their success as had they not been we may not have had so many songs by them, but they were simply that good because even today, and me being a “young buck” of early 30’s, even back when I was a teenager, I LOVED their sound. I’m no fanboy, there are plenty of songs I don’t like, just like bands I like today, but in general, and by and large, it’s great music.
Greatest band of all time and all their albums were made in 7 years, Their progression during that time is unheard of and their music was always ahead of the curve so whether you liked their rock and roll, acoustic or psychedelic material it matters not because it was usually the best most consistent music being put out at that time.
I’m gonna go listen to Sgt peppers on vinyl, and forget I ever read this crap
i agree with Scott..
I agree that it was the timing that helped make them huge and they are a wee bit overrated, but did compose some good tunes such as “nowhere man” and “Strawberry Fields Forever”, but seriously “All You Need Is Love” and “Hey Jude” was crap. Now you must realize that in 1963 there was no internet, no cable TV as we know it today and everything was played on the same AM radio stations. also, the kids did not have video games to occupy themselves like they do now so they needed something and The Beatles were what they needed most at that particular time. Keep in mind that there are many music genres such as Metal, Punk, Electronic and Hip Hop which exist today that did not exist in 1963 so it would be virtually impossible for The Beatles to have made it huge like they did during the 1960s.
another thing many Beatles fanatics do not realize is that there were much more evolved bands that emerged while they were still together such as The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Cream and Jethro Tull and don’t forget Led Zeppelin so if the Beatles had even emerged during 1967 or later they might have not been nearly as popular as they were. today they wouldn’t stand a chance and probably be some indie band on a small obscure label.
timing was everything and they were in the right place at the right time in history.
I’m sure I’m going to be misjudged for posting all of this information,but I need to debunk some of the ignorant comments here especially by Frank and also Don saying they were not great players,
As The All Music Guide says in their excellent Beatles biography “That it’s difficult to summarize their career without restating cliches that have already been digested by tens of millions of rock fans, to start with the obvious,they were the greatest and most influential act of the rock era and introduced more innovations into popular music than any other rock band of the 20th century.””Moreover they were among the few artists of *any* discipline that were simultaneously the best at what they did *and* the most popular at what they did.” They also say as singers John Lennon and Paul McCartney were among the best and most expressive in rock.
Also on an excellent site,The Evolution of Rock Bass Playing McCartney Style by bass player Dennis Alstrand,Stanley Clarke,Sting,Will Lee,Billy Sheehan,George Martin and John Lennon are quoted saying what a great,melodic and influential bass player Paul has always been.
And Wilco’s John Stirratt was asked in Bass Player which bass players have had the most impact on his playing and the first thing he said was, Paul McCartney is one of the greatest bass players of all time,if you listen to what he was tracking live in the studio it’s unbelievable.” “With his tone and musicality he was a huge influence,he covered all of his harmonic responsibilities really well but his baselines were absolutely melodic and inventive.”
In this 2010 interview the blogger says that John Stirratt has an affinity for good melodies so it’s not surprising that Paul McCartney is one of his musical icons and then he quotes him saying that he’s always absolutely in awe of his playing,including Paul’s Beatles years.
And in an online 1977 Eric Clapton interview,Eric Clapton In His Own Words he says that there was always this game between John and George,and he said partly because John was a pretty good guitar player himself He played live with John as a member of John’s 1969 Plastic Ono Band.
And there is a great online article by musician and song writer Peter Cross,The Beatles Are The Most Creative Band Of All Time and he says that many musicians besides him recognize Paul as one of the best bass guitar players ever.He too says that John and Paul are the greatest song composers and that to say that John and Paul are among 2 of the greatest singers in rock and roll is to state the obvious,and that John,Paul and George were all excellent guitarists and that George is underrated by people not educated about music but that Eric Clapton knew better,he also says that both John and Paul played great leads as well as innovative rhythm tracks. John Lennon co-wrote,sang and played guitar on one of David Bowie’s first hits Fame in 1975 and David invited John to play guitar on his version of John’s beautiful Beatles song Across The Universe.Brain May,Ozzy Osbourne,and Liam Gallagher and many more call The Beatles The Greatest Band Ever.’
Also on Music Radar Tom Petty,Joe Perry and Richie Sambora in What The Beatles Mean To Me all say how cool and great they thought The Beatles were when they first saw them on The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964 when they were just teen boys,Richie was only 5.Tom Petty said he thought they were really really great.And Alan White from the group Yes is also interviewed.
Robin Zander of Cheap Trick said he’s probably one of the biggest Beatles fans on the planet.Brad Whitford of Aerosmith said that a lot of that Beatles influence comes from Steven Tyler’s collaboration with Mark Hudson both whom are absolute Beatles freaks and he said I guess the goal is to try and emulate probably some of the best music of the last 50 years which has to be The Beatles.
In this All Music Guide review of The Beatles 1963 second album,With The Beatles Stephen Thomas Erlewine says at the end of the very good review that still the heart of With The Beatles lies not in the covers but the originals where it was clear that even at this early stage The Beatles were rapidly maturing and changing turning into expert craftsman and musical innovators.
This 1999 review of Mark Lewisohn’s excellent Beatles studio diary book where many of The Beatles recording engineers and tape operators and their producer George Martin are interviewed (and it shows how truly innovative,brilliant and creative especially John and Paul were in the recording studio),The Beatles Recording Sessions titled, Behind The Creative Genius Of A Groundbreaking Band by a musician himself says it all, he says that as a musician he found Mark Lewisohn’s portrayal of The Beatles genius and in parenthesis he says, especially that of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, to be completely thorough and accurate, as well as insightful. He then says if you are to buy any one Beatles book,buy this one.
And this reviewer RAS who became a big Beatles fan after he read The Beatles Recording Sessions book,said,I think The Beatles ARE BRILLIANT and he said he despairs what his life would be like without The Beatles!! He said that when he first saw this book,he said Oh another garbage Beatles book.
From Me To You,and especially She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand were praised by some music critics even from the beginning,like William Mann of The London Times in December 1963 pointed out their interesting unusual chords and arrangements and London Times music critic Richard Buckle also in late 1963 called John and Paul the greatest composers since Beethoven after they wrote the music for a play Mods and Rockers.
Bob Dylan ,Roger McGuinn of The Byrds as early as 1963 and 1964 pointed out that even in early Beatles songs like She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand had unusual and interesting chords and they arranged them.Roger also has said that The Beatles unusually used folk rock chords in their rock n roll music and that they invented folk rock without even realizing it.
Here in this article about The Beatles chords,Bob Dylan is quoted saying what he thought in 1964 about The early Beatles music,he said that they were doing things nobody was doing and that their chords were outrageous,just outrageous and their harmonies made it all valid.
Here in Rolling Stone Magazine’s 100 Greatest Song Writers Bob Dylan is number 1,Paul McCartney is number 2, and John Lennon is number 3, Bob Dylan is quoted about a car trip when he heard a lot of Beatles songs on the radio, he said they were doing things and that he knew they were pointing the direction where music had to go.
Roger McGuinn has said that he started to play a 12 string guitar after he saw and heard George Harrison playing in in the A Hard Day’s Night movie.Roger also said that The Beatles unusually wrote folk rock chords in their rock n roll music and he said that they invented folk rock without even realizing it.
And John and Paul wrote one of The Rolling Stones first hits the rock n roll song, I Wanna Be Your Man in late 1963 right in front of them. And Keith Richards and Mick Jagger were impressed and said wow,how can you write a song just like that and it inspired them to start writing their own songs.
John Lennon and Paul McCartney were such amazingly talented singer song writers that they were already writing hit songs for other artists as early as 1963 when their own song writing success was getting off the ground,besides The Rolling Stones,they also wrote hit songs in 1963 for Billy J.Kramer and The Dakatos,Celia Black,and Peter and Gordon etc.
Paul wrote his first song at age 14 and was playing guitar,John wrote heavy deep poetry but didn’t start writing songs until he met Paul and was impressed that he wrote his own songs,and he too started to write his own songs at age 16,and they wrote together and never stopped from then on. Paul wrote the very pretty song I’ll Follow The Sun at only 16.Even when The Beatles first came to America in February 1964 many people said how rare it was for *adult* rock n roll bands and solo artists to write their own songs,and Paul and John were already doing this as teenagers in the mid 1950’s.
And even though I wasn’t born yet in 1963 I know what type of music was popular on the radio,non rock n roll songs like Bobby Vinton,The Four Seasons,Bobby Darin and The Beach Boys surfing hits,The early Beatles songs like She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand and I Saw Her Standing there etc were hard rock for 1963 and ahead of their time.
Ozzy Osbourne has been a big Beatles fan since he was an early teenager,and
he picked She Loves You as one of his favorite songs for Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest songs and Sgt.Pepper is one of his favorite albums. He says that not loving The Beatles is like not loving oxygen and he called The Beatles the greatest band to ever walk the earth.
Here Ozzy Osbourne says that he doesn’t think anyone will ever be as great as The Beatles and he said they were all great,even George Harrison and Ringo Starr were great.
Here is a video of Ozzy Osbourne meets Paul McCartney for the first time and they hug each other.
Here Ozzy Osbourne says how hearing She Loves You at age 15 in 1963 on his transistor radio inspired him to go into music.
Here both Ozzy Osbourne and Tom Petty praise The Beatles,the early Beatles in this clip but The Beatles in general.
Award winning classical composer and music professor Dr.Glen Gass’s Beatles course he’s been teaching since 1982 and he’s been teaching a course in rock music in general since then.
The early Beatles lyrics were more simple but a lot of their early music was actually much more complex. Just one of many examples I always loved this very early John song written and recorded in 1962 Ask Me Why.
I have always loved this great beautiful song written by John,with such typical beautiful melodies and harmonies John and Paul usually wrote,and John’s usual beautiful singing voice.And this was amazingly recorded in 1962 on only two track tape! with such limited,primitive recording technology but it of course still sounds great.Except I hate mono it’s limited sounding and only makes their already limited recording technology sound even more limited.I tried to find the stereo version of this song on youtube but I couldn’t find it.
Here university of Pennsylvania graduate musicologist Alan W.Pollack who did an 11 year extensive analysis of every one of the 200 Beatles songs,analyzes Ask Me Why and explains that it’s structurally complex.
Here is Alan’s whole Beatles song analysis series
Award winning classical composer and music professor Dr.Glen Gass’s Beatles course he’s been teaching since 1982 and he’s been teaching a course in rock music in general since then.
Ozzy Osbourne has been a big Beatles fan since he was an early teenager,and
he picked She Loves You as one of his favorite songs for Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest songs and Sgt.Pepper is one of his favorite albums. He says that not loving The Beatles is like not loving oxygen and he called The Beatles the greatest band to ever walk the earth.
Here Ozzy Osbourne says that he doesn’t think anyone will ever be as great as The Beatles and he said they were all great,even George Harrison and Ringo Starr were great.
Here is a video of Ozzy Osbourne meets Paul McCartney for the first time and they hug each other.
Here Ozzy Osbourne says how hearing She Loves You at age 15 in 1963 on his transistor radio inspired him to go into music.
Here both Ozzy Osbourne and Tom Petty praise The Beatles,the early Beatles in this clip but The Beatles in general.
In this All Music Guide review of The Beatles 1963 second album,With The Beatles Stephen Thomas Erlewine says at the end of the very good review that still the heart of With The Beatles lies not in the covers but the originals where it was clear that even at this early stage The Beatles were rapidly maturing and changing turning into expert craftsman and musical innovators.
Rate Your Music Users Who Think Led Zeppelin Are Painfully Overrated
This Band Is Everything That Is WRONG With Music, a Rate Your Music Site moderator,Benimal only says Led Zeppelin is the worst.
I have found a lot of people on music forums who hate or don’t like Led Zeppelin even some on heavy metal forums. And even some people who for some puzzling reason like their music,say they can’t stand Robert Plant’s awful screeching,screaming and whaling vocals.
The Boston Globe has an online article from March 2009,called I Confess I Don’t Like… written by all of their music critics and Luke O’Neil wrote that when people talk of classic bands they don’t like they’re really speaking in coded language.He said for example “I don’t like The Beatles.” is the same as saying,”I’m a liar” he said but when I say I don’t like Led Zeppelin there’s no subtext. He then says a lot of it has to do with Robert Plant’s fiendish helium-powered caterwauling. He says he tends to prefer bands with vocalists not police sirens in tight pants.He also said the lyrics which run the gamut unimaginative doggerel to too-imaginative fantasy goofs don’t help.
He then says sure they inspired a lot of great bands,but should we not then hold them accountable for the thousands of downright awful imitators they’ve inspired? Remember that whole hair metal thing in the 80’s? He says who do you think put the bustle in those dudes hedgerow? And grunge? He says that was basically goateed Led Zeppelin on Smack.
Rock music critic John Mendelson never liked Led Zeppelin either.
Van Halen in the late 70’s early-mid 80’s with David Lee Roth sounded a million times better! So do the Who,The Rolling Stones,The Eagles,etc and The Beatles are a zillion times better.
In this Music discussion Most Underrated/Overrated Artists on the site Music Banter this guy Urban HatCmonger who even likes hard rock and heavy metal music said the first most overrated is Led Zeppelin and said in parenthesis, bombastic c*ck rock and nothing else.
Also in an excellent Beatles book Ticket To Ride by Denny Somach where so many other well known popular respected rock musicians and artists are interviewed about The Beatles praising them including Jimmy Page,Brian Wilson who says he’s always loved The Beatles. And Brian Wilson called John & Paul the greatest song writers of the 20th century on a 1995 Nightline Beatles tribute show,(which had on music artists from every type of music,a young black jazz musician,a middle aged black opera singer,Steve Winwood,Meatloaf,and classical violnist Isak Perleman,who said he plays his children Bach,Beethoven Mozart and The Beatles)and he played With A Little Help From My Friends on the piano and he said he just loves this song. He also said that Sgt.Pepper is one of the greatest albums he ever heard and The All Music Guide says in their Beach Boys biography,that Brian had a nervous breakdown after he heard it.
Brian also said that when he first heard The Beatles brilliant 1965 folk rock album Rubber Soul he was blown away by it.He said all of the songs flowed together and it was pop music but folk rock at the same time and he couldn’t believe they did this so great,this inspired him to make Pet Sounds.
Brian Wilson has always said that he made the Pet Sounds album because he was so blown away by The Beatles brilliant folk rock album Rubber Soul when he heard it soon after it came out in December 1965.;wap2
Here in this 2011 interview Brian Wilson says that he thinks Rubber Soul is a better album than Pet Sounds and that he thinks Rubber Soul is the best album ever.
John Lodge and Justin of The Moody Blues are interviewed in this book and Bill Wyman and Ron Wood says how The Rolling Stones became good friends with The Beatles in 1963 after John and Paul wrote 1 of their first hits,the Rock n Roll song,I Wanna Be You’re Man.
Ron Wood was asked what his favorite Beatles songs and he said there are so many apart from the obvious like Strawberry Fields I Want To Hold Your Hand is one he said he used to like a lot ,and he said he really loved We Can Work It Out.He also says that The Beatles used to have a radio show every Friday where they played live and spoke and he would never miss an episode. He said in fact whoever has the rights to those shows should dig them up,because they are incredible.
Justin Hayward says that the album he always really loved ,and he said it was when they started experimenting with chord structures ,was A Hard Day’s Night.He says they began to move away from the standard 3 chord thing and just went into more interesting structures .He said A Hard Day’s Night was the album for him and their song If I Fell was the song.He said it started in a different key to how it ended up,and it’s a beautifully worked out song and that there are some songs on that album that were very emotional and evocative. He said that for everybody just starting to write songs as he was,it was a real turn on and eye opener.
Ok so songs with deeper meanings you just don’t understand? That’s fine but your ratings are absurdly bad
200 years from now, however occasional, folks will still be listening to the Stones, The Who, The Animals, The Kinks, etc., but they will be studying The Beatles.
I understand your critique and somewhat your grading , but then , in comparison to who or what ? The Beatles work by albums as I see it is above a C ++ and Magical Mystery Tour probably is just that . We came from a era whereby most other groups could only place three hits if that on any single album . The Beatles could turn out six to eight . Not always favorites but hits .That said for the past five decades in comparison to any other Musical group there could only be one and that was them. .Where they the greatest Musicians no and vocalists probably not, but there was no other group of musicians that had a effect on the worlds cultures than the Beatles . That will never to be repeated for the next 100 years.
you are incorrect
My problem with the whole were they great or not. It’s bollocks the reason Elvis was great, Heartbreak Hotel, what the f*** was that. You all look back I was there it was mind blowing so sit on your sanctimonious asses and try to critique genius you poor old sod you are not worthy to kiss their collective asses get over yourself !!
Your entire list lost credibility when you said George Martin produced “Let It Be”. That was Phil Spector and anyone who knows anything about the Beatles knows that. If you aren’t capable of getting that right are you in any position to critique the rest of their work?
nice post
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